April 1, 2023, was the 22nd anniversary of the founding of Epsilon Systems Solutions, Inc., a company founded on the ideals of commitment to our employees, our customers, and our communities. Never before have these ideals been as important as they are today. COVID-19 has changed the way in which we interact, and it has challenged us to develop new ways of delivering the high-quality products and services for which our company is known. Our employee-owners are up to the task.
Epsilon Systems is addressing the challenges in the following ways:
- Established a COVID-19 Task Force that meets daily. The task force is closely following the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and national and local authorities to inform, protect, and empower our employees as they continue to support our customers.
- Authorized telework at all Epsilon Systems worksites, where appropriate, and we have provided technology and remote access to support increased telework.
- Established safe-working guidelines for employees that must work from an office, production facility, or customer worksite. Epsilon Systems is considered an Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce; therefore, employees continue to deliver the services and products our Department of Defense, US Government, and commercial customers require.
- Provided educational resources on safe health practices for our employees and their families.
- Restricted all travel to business essential and as required by our customers.
A geographically dispersed company, Epsilon Systems continues to closely follow national, state, and local developments related to this pandemic. We will proactively take steps to ensure the safety and well-being of our employees, our business partners, and our customers.
As a 100% employee-owned company, we have always been “in this together” Today, however, those words bring new significance, and we are unequivocally focused on delivering on our commitments while also safeguarding the health of our owners and their communities.
Bryan Min
Founder and CEO